Posted by: benevolentjerk | July 2, 2008

Ahhh Korea

Yes, Korea. My home for the past and next 6 months. And no, the “Ahhhh” in the title wasn’t the type that you scream as your significant other reveals with their teeth that they know about your “other” significant other. No I mean the relaxing kind that you utter in a sighing sort of way. The one that mixes both the completely ridiculous situations and semi-opulence that expats here tend to find themselves in. It contains the headaches from classes that are usually at least 70% good students, with the remaining 30% being spawns of Satan and Maury Povich (of course Papa Smurf filmed it and beats off to the tape later). It encompasses the free apartment you are promised in your contract and the shit they never tell you about (i.e. how to recycle, pay your bills, how to wake up the security guard from his lengthy naps, etc.). Yes, this sigh is roughly the same to many expats despite the variety in the elements it results from. In my new blog here I will attempt to describe these things as I experience them and occasionally (frequently) go way off topic and shamelessly promote my own niche sites.


On the upside, I’ve been here 6 months and the shock of the highly mundane things has likely worn off. You will not see ridiculous blog entries such as “OMG I HAVE NO BATHTUB” or “My hagwon is a stinky pile of poo”. No, they will be much more sophisticated, relevant, and laden with curse-words. Shit Piss Farts Maury Povich

I’m off to a great start.

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